Out of the Ordinary from the Ordinary (Les Grands Arbres)

Yes, it's a Tree House. Yes, it's a cafe. And yes, it's in Hiroo.

I never thought those three would go together. But they do and very well so.

I usually never go to places near my workplace when I don't have work. Why? Because it's ordinary! It's always the same things (or places). I want my off days to be different from my work days. Especially Sundays. That's my time to unwind, see something different, go somewhere different. But my friends wanted to go to this "Tree House Cafe" (Yup, that's right.) in Hiroo. So my first thought was, "Ugh! Hiroo again. I was just here... almost the whole work week (well, maybe just 3 times, but still!)." But foretunately, I was happily surprised...

So from Shibuya we had to go to Ebisu (Yamanote Line) to transfer trains going to Hiroo (Hibiya Line). When we got to Ebisu, I mentioned to my friends that my "future" school is located there. They got all excited and wanted to see it. So we went and took pictures outside (coz I'm not sure if we're allowed inside) like tourists. Then we went on to Hiroo, and I happened to mention again to my friends that my current work has a branch there. They got all excited again and "again" wanted to see it. So we went (too) and took pictures outside (coz this time, we're definitely not allowed inside) like tourists.

So it became like "my" tour. And finally we went to find the cafe. The cafe was very nice. You won't find it easily. It's not located along the main street. You have to go inside this alley and you'll find a building with the words "Flower Shop - Fleur Universelle" on it. The 1st and 2nd floor is a flower shop; and the 3rd and 4th floor is the cafe. The food does not have the "wow" factor. But the presentation and the place itself is amazing. Oh, and I also love the Green Mango & Peach Tea.

So next time you think that everything is the same, everything is ordinary, turn a corner or go through an alley (though be very careful as well, some alleys are not very safe) and you just might be happily surprised of what you'll find too.

“Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. You have six days each week for your ordinary work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath day of rest dedicated to the Lord your God. On that day no one in your household may do any work. This includes you, your sons and daughters, your male and female servants, your livestock, and any foreigners living among you.- Exodus 20:8-10 (NLT)