Unplanned (9th MIFA International Exchange Festival)

I thought it would just be another typical (though Sundays are usually not typical) Sunday. I'll just go to church and hopefully hang out with my friends after the service. But surprise, surprise! Most of my friends did not attend church and those who did, had something to do after the service. And I really didn't feel like going home immediately after the service. Not to mention travelling all the way to Shibuya from Saitama to stay there for 2 hours and just go back right after.

So when Kay asked me if I want to join her to attend the 9th MIFA International Exchange Festival, even without knowing what it is and just hearing "Do you want to come...?" (I didn't even let her finish her sentence.), I immediately said yes! In my mind, whatever it is is much better than just going home.

Not knowing what to expect, and actually not expecting anything, we went to the festival and I really enjoyed and learned a lot. I think I even enjoyed it more than Kay. ;) It reminded me of the saying... Sometimes the Unplanned and Unexpected Turns Into the Best Path - Ingrid Jorud.

So true.

For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. - Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT)

Stamp Rally. Wasn't able to finish... So no gift! :(

My Korean Chingu who helped me write my name in Hangeul (even if I know how already. Hehehe.)


Very sweet Obachang. She taught me how to write "Faith" using Calligraphy. I taught her the meaning of the word "Faith" (信仰 - Shinko in Japanese)

My name written in Hangeul (Korean), Bengali (Bngladesh), Persian, and Hindi (Nepali).



A Surprising Turn... (Exploring Aoyama & Omotesando)

The day started out so bad... but thanks to a great friend (Thanks Rumi!) and an adventurous spirit, I had a very "Surprising Turn". The day ended, not just great, but WONDERFUL! God can really turn things around in a snap of a finger.

While exploring Aoyama and Omotesando (which are just beside each other), me and my friend Rumi had many surprising turns as well. We found many hidden gems and great places just by walking around and turning every corner.

There are many things that I've realized that day:

- You may be in the right place but with a wrong state of mind and miss the amazing thing right in front of you.
- It won't end how it started, it depends on what you do with what you have when you started.

What you looking for? What are you expecting? It might just be around the corner. Never give up and be ready for A Surprising Turn.


2 Corinthians 6:2 (NLT)

For God says,
“At just the right time, I heard you.
    On the day of salvation, I helped you.”
Indeed, the “right time” is now. Today is the day of salvation.


Miracle Out Of Me (First Snow)

As I walk under the falling snow, I can't help but smile...and cry at the same time. I truly thank God that I am in a place like this to experience something as magical as this. Something that I only see in music videos and pictures, now I am in the video and that picture. Even if I try to describe it in a thousand words, you won't be able to feel how I felt as I experience this "miracle". It's like faith, you won't know how it feels even if you hear it a thousand times. you have to experience it.

God knows how much I needed this at this very moment. When I feel like everything's not going right and dreams can't come true. God shows me that Miracles do Happen. And if He could make it snow...If He could make something so beautiful, that words can't even describe, with something so plain and colorless... Then He could make something beautiful out of me. He could make a Miracle out of Me.

In that wonderful day you will sing: “Thank the Lord ! Praise his name! Tell the nations what he has done. Let them know how mighty he is! Sing to the L ord , for he has done wonderful things. Make known his praise around the world. - Isaiah 12:4-5 NLT